Processing performance

Are there any KPIs on how fast “processing” after “receive” should work?
We are testing the current php7.4 version on docker and it seems that the import of 740 CDRs in one csv file takes more than 3-4 seconds. Is this normal, or should this not be way faster?

We have 12 cores and 64GB RAM on a HP G10 Server.
I would be interested in experiences from other users.


For 1 process it seems fine.
If you want to improve it, you can put more files processing in parallel or slice the file into small files.

Thanks, Ofer

Thanks Ofer for the reply.
When I tried to start another processor in parallel, however since the files are received from the same source into the same folder, it seems that the parallel processors are getting in each other’s way by trying to process files redundantly. Is there a “smart” way to do this? I did not find anything concerning this optimization in the docs.



If there are multiple files in the directory, each receive and process thread will fetch different file.

Thanks, Ofer