when i create a suberscriber and add prepaid plan for that the balance data not create in database and sending request to input processor get returnCode of-1 (no balances found)?
Maybe I am wrong, but does not prepaid mean they have to PRE-PAY before they can use the service. In that case, I would think they still have to pay before using? Many sites you create the account fist, then pay. Or is this the case of creating account, and paying at same time, but the payment has not been added to the account?
yes they have to pay before use
but when i add some balance to subscriber (some negative number as in document) and use input processor to add charge for that subscriber the balance decrease (for example from -10 to -15) and no charge added to invoice
i dont know why
That appears it could be a programming bug/error if it is adding a negative balance
If you’re activating prepaid plan for subscriber, it does not create balance.
For creating balance you’ll need to use the balance API:
Balance API is using wallets, you’ll need to define wallet to use it accordingly, as the wallet used for charging the balance.